Cliff of Life
Of goals and ambitions...
Of trials and tribulations...
Lives begin with beautiful thoughts
Innocent souls without blemish and blots
Beautiful flowers waiting to blossom
Could always rush back to a familiar bosom
Everything seems so plausible
All dreams so possible
Hopeful eyes gazing a bedazzled tomorrow
And never met a stranger named sorrow
Determined eyes set on the sun
Youthful feet raring to run
So he spread his wings and set to fly
Nothing to stop him soaring high
Engined by self belief and ability
And then hit a turbulence...Reality
Pristine turned impure
Tainted by greed, lust and lure
Life was too precious to risk a crash
Following some stupid ideals now seemed rash
Truth turned to bitter lies
The moment when innocence dies
Suddenly adversity made him worldly wise
He found a parachute named compromise
The sweet earth he landed on finally ended his strife
Till he just realized he had jumped from the cliff of life
Of trials and tribulations...
Lives begin with beautiful thoughts
Innocent souls without blemish and blots
Beautiful flowers waiting to blossom
Could always rush back to a familiar bosom
Everything seems so plausible
All dreams so possible
Hopeful eyes gazing a bedazzled tomorrow
And never met a stranger named sorrow
Determined eyes set on the sun
Youthful feet raring to run
So he spread his wings and set to fly
Nothing to stop him soaring high
Engined by self belief and ability
And then hit a turbulence...Reality
Pristine turned impure
Tainted by greed, lust and lure
Life was too precious to risk a crash
Following some stupid ideals now seemed rash
Truth turned to bitter lies
The moment when innocence dies
Suddenly adversity made him worldly wise
He found a parachute named compromise
The sweet earth he landed on finally ended his strife
Till he just realized he had jumped from the cliff of life